Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Oh My, Are We Ready For This
Monday, September 28, 2009
Spontaneous Combustion and Migraines
And did you know, linseed oil is combustible. Well, I kind of figured that, but not as combustible as it is. It will spontaneously combust. Yep, catch fire all by itself, and we found this out the almost hard way. Darrell had been finishing a little table for me for the dining room. This morning he picked up a can of linseed oil at the local hardware for me. Just last night he was telling me about its spontaneous combustibility powers, and I thought, yeah, yeah, went on changing the baby's diaper, drinking my Diet Pepsi and doing algebra with Gage. Fast forward to this morning, he puts a coat on the table and leaves the house. Me in here just working away, he comes back just a few hours later, and I do mean few, and is holding that yellow rag he had with smoke rolling from it. Yep, spontaneous combustion in our garage in just a few hours. He just happened to come through the garage where he left this rag laying on his work bench, beside of hand cleaner, paint, propane torch, all the stuff needed for a good mess. He could not believe it happened this fast but it did. Lucky for us, we found it before we did not have our table or even our house. Word to the wise, linseed oil will spontaneous combust. Don't leave these rags in your house, put them in water, get rid of them.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Baby Dances To Beyonce's Single Ladies
This is not my baby, but they should be very proud. I love, love, love this video. I think I just about peed my pants laughing at it. Check it out!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Baby's Got a Brand New Coat
See those 2 little teeth in there. The 2 little vampire teeth are through and on the top, and it looks as though the 2 big front teeth are going to break through any day now. Wow. Give this kid a steak.
I had been searching for Aidan a new winter coat, and Voila! Perfect. I got this at Mini Boden for around 35 dollars, and I got free shipping with a coupon I found online. Always search for coupons online before ordering. Sometimes you can come across codes for so much percentage off or free shipping, and it is worth the time and effort. I love this coat, and it is adorable on him. The sleeves are a little long right now, and Darrell says since when we stand him up in this coat and he shakes his arm, that it reminds him of the brother on the movie The Christmas Story all decked out in his snowsuit. Love that movie. Too funny! By the way I love Baby Boden stuff but it is a tad bit expensive, but if you check it out, the stuff is selling on EBay for near close to what it costs new, so you could always resell it.
Most of my shopping for Aidan has been done online. It is just easier with a baby these days. Scored some wonderful deals at Macy's with clearance stuff for next summer, and got some great deals on EBay from a wonderful lady who sells a lot of Gymboree clothing, and offers free shipping. Great deal! All of this at the luxury of my fingertips. I love the Internet. What did we do without it? Have you ever asked yourself that. I pay bills, bank, buy, surf and whatever else my little heart desires. Shopping is my big thing. Did I say I like to shop? Well I do but usually not for myself, usually my kids, Darrell or even the house. I used to be a big time house stuff buyer. The Burke Boy's Mommy does love to decorate and change things up constantly in this house but lately, well lately, I just don't have the time or even the energy.
With working, helping with homework (Did I mention Gage has 3 hours of algebra this year, geesh), and taking care of Aidan, trying to keep household stuff done, it just ain't happening. Lucky for me Darrell is a big help. This week I will start a 12-day stretch of working with no days off, well I do have a doctor's appointment on Friday of this week, but I don't even consider that a day off, going to the doctor, that is like work. I tell you this is killer and I end up so behind on stuff that I literally don't know where to start. But hey, I still know I am blessed.
I came across this link today on Kelly' Korner. Please visit them and pray for them, www.bandssullivan.blogspot.com. People, I am just too lazy to link. I can't help it. She was pregnant and diagnosed with breast cancer, doing good, had the baby and then 2 days later after going home started having seizures. She was determined to be brain dead and passed away. Also, this girl who worked at my family doctor's office, Michelle Stroud, was missing, found stuffed in a refrigerator in a deserted location, and now her soon-to-be ex-husband has been charged with her murder. She leaves behind an 8-year-old little boy whom she had just dropped off at school when her car was found about a mile from the school. Why do people kill people they loved, why do they kill the mother of their child? This is beyond me. This is a tragedy and disturbs everyone in the community since this is not something we see much of. We have had murders, and they are rare, but seems like when we have them, they are pretty gruesome.
Pray for both of these families.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Schools Out, Schools Out, Teachers Let The Monkeys Out
Filing cabinet filled to the brim, refrigerator, pencil sharpener
student desk chairs
cubbies, dry erase boards, bulletin boards
teacher's desk and more charts
bookcase, globe, world map
lots and lots of educational supplies, and I do mean lots.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Seven Months
Can you Believe this little guy is 7 months today? I just can't. Where has time gone? Aidan is a big little guy these days. His new jammies from Wal-Mart were size 18 months, but most of his regular clothing is 9 to 12 months. I have bought most of his winter stuff in 12 to 18 months and his little coat from Mini Boden 24 months. He is moving on up. He can still wear a little 2 in a shoe but little snug now and hard to get on. He is in size 4 diapers with still plenty of room. He loves to eat and wants to eat whatever or whenever we eat. He has 2 bottom teeth, 2 little eye teeth now and his gums for his main front teeth are really swollen. He used to sleep through the night, but not anymore. What is the deal with that? He loves his mamma and wants to be with me all the times. He can go backward in his walker and maybe a tad bit forward, but not much. He loves our little Bailee dog, but her not so much lovin him. His eyes are a brown color with a blue ring around them, very pretty eyes, and big. Aidan still does not have much hair but it will come in time. He is wanting to crawl so bad he cannot stand it. He likes to pound his toys on the hardwood floor and push his little truck. Yesterday several times he made it to the crawling position, once or twice to actually try to move forward but then decide to sit back up. I know it is coming, and we will be in trouble then. We all love this little guy. He has changed our life forever!
What if God Were One Of Us
Yesterday morning we made it to church and actually early thanks to Aidan getting me up at 4 a.m. Yep, and last night 3:26. I still love him, and even more. I don't think he could possibly get any cuter. I blamed his little early morning fiasco on the monster pajamas I put on him last night. The monsters made him do it.
The message at Sunday service was great, well what I actually heard between Aidan pulling my shirt down in the front or off my arm, or looking at the lady behind me and screaming and smiling, and constantly saying "mum, mum, mum." By the way, we worked on the shhhh thing yesterday. He definitely paid attention and I quite possibly think he might have gotten it. On to the message, Our pastor talked about falling down. How when you actually literally fall and someone sees you, you have a pride thing kick in and say, "Oh, I didn't fall." Same thing with your Christianity. If you fall, don't be ashamed. Don't be afraid. Just pick up your cross and keeping on going. Ask for forgiveness. God is always there and always with us.
We had a baptism yesterday morning of a young man from Ohio. He had rededicated his life and wanted to be baptized again. I knew something was up when he came to the front of the church for fellowship. His clothes were probably 3 to 4 sizes too big for him, and I could just see the look in his eyes. Something was up. Come to find out he was homeless. Came in here with his girlfriend and she left and took what little he had. My heart was broken for him. We take so much for granted in life. Needless to say the church helped him, we helped him and many other members helped him until his mother can get a way in here on Wednesday to pick him up. You have to be helpful to people in their time of need. I never made it back to Sunday night worship but my mom said he was so proud, so grateful and so thankful. He said he had a new family here and he was going to live with his grandfather who loved him dearly but he felt as though we all loved him. Showing Christ like love is what came to my mind. I pray this young man finds a good church in Ohio, stays on the straight and narrow, always looking to God for guidance, picking his feet back up when he falls, and always remembers the church in Kentucky that helped him.
In our area we don't witness a lot of homelessness. It is a rural area and most people have family they are living with and relatives if they do not have a home. We don't see people on the street with signs or under bridges or overpasses, but I do know this exists. It literally breaks my heart. I know I cannot help everyone in this world. I don't have the money or even the energy for this, but I just pray that someone reaches out to these people, gives them hope, gives them something to remember when times get hard, keeping in mind what if God were one of us.
This young man will remember his time here. He will remember how he was helped. He was shown God's love and can take that with him in his life.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Who Does Kanye Think He Is?
On another note, do you think that perhaps if Mr. Kanye had done this to the President of the United States, they would have reprimanded him like they are a certain person who called out Mr. Obama and called him a liar? Just asking? I mean I know Mr. Obama is the President of the United States, and it was probably uncalled for since there are better ways to handle things, but. At least Mr. Obama did have the nerve to call Kanye what I also think he is, and by the way, that got tweeted. Bet that guy lost his job. Do you think?
Well off my soapbox this morning. Seems like celebrities always have an excuse for things they do, blame it on their family, drugs, alcohol, childhood, blame it on their dog, which by the way Jessica Simpson (I do like her, just can't help it), if the coyotes got your dog, give it up. They do eat them especially little tiny ones. They blame it on all the wrong reasons except the real reason, themselves. They are so full of themselves. Next thing you know Kanye will be in rehab to get over this.
Wish I had had this blog when the whole Britney fiasco went down, but hey there is always Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton, or Jon and Kate, and the list goes on and on.
This post was not meant to harm in anyway the people talked about here. This is just expressing my opinion of these people, and I do know that not many of you care and just say get over it and move on, and yeah we probably should
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hairy Chicken
We went to the flea market to the area where all the good junk is, not the new kitschy stuff from China. I hate flea markets with that kind of stuff. I like the old junk. Also in this section is where they trade animals. Lots and lots of animals in cages. Everything from dogs, chickens, rabbits, cats, guineas, everything you can thing of. I have never seen snakes, and thank goodness for that.
Meanwhile we come upon a young boy, probably 13 or 14, and he has chickens. Hairy chickens. I mean I have never ever seen chickens like this. Their hair is all fuzzed up and messy like they just climbed out of the bed, or like my hair when I let it dry on its own, LOL. I so wanted a picture of this hairy chicken, tried several times and kept getting that evil eye. Who knows?
But the moral of the story is, chickens are not hairy. Did you know that? Well, I did but the entire time I was gasping at this chicken, I was saying look at its hair and proclaiming what a hairy little chicken. I even asked if Darrell had ever seen such a hairy chicken. His reply was this, while laughing uncontrollably at me, "Honey, chickens do not have hair. They have feathers."
Oh the things we say out in the country. And believe me when I tell you this is not the 1st time I have been laughed at, and for my accent too. Me, I am just happy and blessed.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mum, Mum, Mum
Saturday day we worked on the garage for a while, Aidan napped for 3 hours and then sat in his stroller and watched us work. Can somebody tell this kid to help? We made a lot of progress but so much more needed. Where did all this junk come from? LOL. The trash man is going to love us.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Blog Sale
I did get a few pics taken of some things but we did decide to take many things to the auction for them to auction off as I just do not have the time for another project right now. Between working, blogging, housework, being a mommy and a wife, I am pulled in every direction right now, so I will again have to postpone this sale.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Economy At Hand
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I Am Too Sleepy For This
Monday, September 7, 2009
Choose Before Enlistment
UPDATE: I had already done this post, not knowing what the blog hop was for today. Kind of appropriate, huh? Anyway, this sign shows a proudness for the Army for me. 911 was a day I don't think any of us will forget. I was at work. We all watched from a television in a lounge for the doctors at the hospital. We watched in horror, in sadness and in disbelief. I cannot imaging witnessing first hand this tragic event. America was changed forever.
And More Junk,
New Again!
I came across this song on a blog that follows me, thank you so much Kentucky Sunflowers Up a Holler. I love this song. I love the music of Brad Paisley and Sara Evans, but that is not what does it for me. The words of this song. I had not watched the video until just now.
I had a post to do about Labor Day, why I am working if this is a holiday to honor American workers, and all that nonsense, but I feel this is so much more. More meaning and more of a priority. I am thankful and I am grateful. I am very BLESSED!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Coming Soon to a Theater Near You
A Day in the Life of the Burke's
Anyway, yesterday Aidan was due for vaccinations. Hate these, and boy did he ever cry yesterday. They kept coming back in to check on him, and when he would see the nurse, he would cry even harder. He even cried with her listening to his little chest and all the weighing and measuring. Can anybody say my baby has stranger anxiety. This would be to say the least. As you can imaging, he had grown quite a bit. They actually measured his head twice to make sure they measured it right. It had grown 3 inches in 3 months. Yes, he has a fat head. We have known that all along. His brother has a fat head and so does his dad. I live in a house with a bunch of fat heads. LOL. This little head thing was 1 of the things that made me decided to go with a repeat c-section if you know what I mean. Back to the subject at hand. Aidan now weighs 21 pounds and 9 ounces and is 27 1/4 inches long. Well actually 27 and 3/8 inches long according to what Darrell told the nurse yesterday when he helped her measure Aidan. She said, go figure a man would measure that way. She said they were not that precise. Now me, I would have to say 27 and so many little marks. He is wearing size 4 diapers, sitting up great, I look for him to start crawling soon, he says ma ma (at least it sounds like it), he is trying to hold his bottle, still sleeping with me, eating like a little pig, and still loving his paci.
We were super busy yesterday getting things priced for my huge living estate sale on Saturday. I am hoping I don't start deciding to keep things as they are coming out of buildings and garages. I have already decided on some things. And then there is this little estate sale tomorrow, and I have already previewed some of the stuff, and I am sending Darrell down 1st thing in the morning to get what I want. I told you I am definitely a hoarder of junk. Well, good junk that is.
Back to Aidan, yesterday just wore him out, messed up his entire schedule of napping and eating. The eating still took place but the napping, not so much. He literally fell over last night, but was up again from 4:15 until 6 again. Can somebody tell this baby to go back to sleeping. Gotta love him. I so wish yesterday I had my video recorder out. Gage literally had Aidan doing a belly laugh. I just love it. Listening to my 2 babies interacting like that. It is wonderful.
Well, back to the grind today after being off yesterday for appointments, and I have to stay motivated today. Just gotta.